Mice & Rats are predictable in their paths of obtaining food. They travel from their nest in search of food by urinating on their trails to follow the scent.

Rat - Mice - Mouse


Home Safe Poison

The young rats reach sexual maturity in 2-3 months, females average 4-7litters a year, with 8-12 pups per litter. Adults live about a year. They live in colonies. Rats are dangerous! They can ruin your food, destroy things, start electrical fires, carry fleas, and diseases.

Home Remedy Pest Control

Being raised on a farm special care was always used to control rodents in and around the house & barn. Safe for home & farm animals. (We never lost any chickens, dogs, or cats!)

This is a simple home blend mixture grandma & grandpa used with safe ingredients has work for over 75 years, throughout his life, eliminating rats and mice on his farm. Utilizing ingredients found in grocery and hardware stores. Once this mix is eaten the rodents will go to get water and that is when the active ingredient takes affect, starts to harden in the intestine track. Once this happens the rodent will die. In most cases outside and the smell is at a minimal due to the intestines being full with harden mixture. If they are eaten in nature’s food chain (by others) it will not affect them. NEVER BUY ANOTHER POISON!

Disposal of Dead Rodents always wear intact rubber or plastic gloves when removing dead rodents and when cleaning or disinfecting items contaminated by rodents. Put the dead rodent in a plastic bag; the bag should be placed in a second bag and tightly sealed. Dispose of rodents in trash containers with tight fitting lids. Then remove and throw out gloves and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water.

Mice & Rats are predictable in their paths of obtaining food. They travel from their nest in search of food by urinating on their trails to follow the scent. If this trail is disturbed they become cautious in their route.  You will find evidence by their droppings. Rat crap, small, mostly black and once they have eaten the mixture the droppings will turn white, this is when you know they will die. They love free food and this mixture will satisfy their appetite.  They are known to travel in packs. I have seen several eating from the same bowl at the same time. If any offspring, they too will follow the scent trail to the food.

No more placing traps & having to dispose of the kill or the smell. Who wants Poison lying around?     Who wants that liability?

Grandpa’s Recipe


Will Email Recipe

No more traps! Nasty & messy
